所在位置:名片首页 > 深圳红海星水产科技有限公司 - RedStarfish 名片编号:CD862  查看:3082    加入日期:2022-07-23
深圳红海星水产科技有限公司 - RedStarfish
联 系 人 骆先生
联系电话 13715360280
电子邮箱 mich998@126.com
联系地址 广东省深圳市龙岗区宝龙街道龙新社区兰二路45号
微信 ksyok99
『 经营项目 』
作为行业知名企业,我们是中国最专业的行业制造商之一,主要专注于: 蛋白质分离器、生命支持系统和10倍高密度循环水养殖系统,适用于鱼缸、水族馆、海洋馆、海洋景观、动物园、水产养殖场、旅游景点和温泉度假村等所有鱼类和水生生物暂养与养殖场所; 游泳池过滤设备; 以上产品的针刷泵和水泵; 为客户提供 OEM 、ODM或定制服务。 在蛋白质分离器、生命支持系统和循环水养殖系统方面拥有20多项专利和约 20年的研发经验,我们始终以先进的技术、卓越的品质和高效的服务向客户保证。作为回报,我们得到了来自日本、韩国、俄罗斯、印度、东南亚、欧洲、美洲、非洲、中东和澳大利亚等客户的充分信任和口碑。 欢迎联系,同创互利共赢的合作。 As an industry-renowned enterprise, we're one of the most professional manufacturers in China, which is specializing in: ** protein skimmers, life support systems & 10-time high-density recirculating aquaculture systems for all fish and aquatic lives in fish tanks, public aquariums, oceanariums, marinelands, zoos, aquafarms, tourist attractions and hot spring resorts etc.; ** filtrating equipment for swimming pools; ** needle-wheel pumps and recirculating water pumps for the above products; ** OEM, ODM or customization for customers. With over two dozen patents and about 20 years of experience in the above fields, we always assure our customers with our advanced technology, excellent quality and efficient service. And as return, we’ve gained the full trust and public praise of our customers from Japan, South Korea, Russia, India, Southeast Asia, Europe, America, Africa, Middle East and Australia, etc. Welcome to get in touch with us for win-win cooperation in the future.



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